Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Stewart & Kaylor Moving Auction

Stewart & Kaylor Moving Auction

Saturday, October 2, 2021 10:00am Limon, CO

Address: 19260 Co Rd 2Y, Limon, CO 80828. Concessions will be onsite.

Directions: 7 miles South of Limon on Hwy 71, ½ mile west on Rd. 2Y

Vehicles & Trailers:  2005 Dodge Ram 3500, SLT, Cummins, 4x2 dually crew cab, 8’ bed, G.N. ball, topper, new rubber, 60 gal fuel tank, 64,094 miles; 1990 Dodge Ram 5.9 Cummins, 4x2, 8’ box w/ toolbox, 60% rubber, 244,419 miles; 1988 Nu-way 31 G.N. Travel trailer, 31’ 8”, full kitchen, full bathroom, elec. & gas refrig and frez, ventless gas stove & elect. Heat, new tires, clean throughout, A.C., Queenbed; 2007 PJ 25’w/ dovetail flatbed G.N. trailer, 8K axles, 3 ramps, 5,500# winch, spring susp.; 1989 Trail Magic G.N. 6’x18’ stock trailer, mats, center divider; 2006 Ez-Go golf cart w/ bed, hyd, elect dump, canopy;

Tractors:  98JD 6300 FWA w/ John Deere 640 loader, 7’ bucket w/ grapple, 4069 hrs, joystick, 4 remotes; Oliver 1800, gas, 3pt, new 15.5x38 rear tires; Oliver 1650 gas, cab, 3pt, new 15.5x38 rear tires; Oliver 77, gas, super 77 motor, 13.6x38” new rear tires, complete; IHC M w/ FH, F11 loader, 13.6x38 new rear tires; Fordson, no motor w/ loader, & backhoe,-salvage;

Equipment:  Hesston 520 S.P. Swather, 14’ w/ cond., runs good; John Deere 68 grain cart; NH 1000, 52 bale stacker; Massey Ferguson 124 small sq. baler, twine; John Deere 535 round baler, twine new belts & roller w/ monitor, FH F-11 loader, no pump; 3-rd. Bale hay forks; IHC 3 bottom roll-over plow; 2 bottom roll-over; FH buckets; Hesston 520 SP swathers, 12’ hd/condt; John Deere 830 S.P. Swather, 14’ hd w/ condt.; Brillion 10’ mulcher, good; 2-road drags; Eversman V ditcher; 9’, 3pt blade, angle & tilt; King Kutter rock rake; John Deere 7’ sickle mower; side del rake; 5 sec. Spring tooth; Jeffrey 13’ shank chisel; Powerhouse 3pt or trailer hyd. Log splitter, like new; 8 row Noble Cultivator; Eversman landplane; Shaffer 12’ tandem disc; Coby PTO manure spreader; G.H. Chistle; 77 Lincoln 2dr- salvage; 325 gal poly tote; 500 gal s.s. Solar tank; 3-JD 7x12” hoe drills, split press wheels, carrier & hitch; Kelly-B70 3pt backhoe, 24” bucket, like new; Jet post driver, 3pt; 3pt P.H. digger; fencing trailer w/ wire roller; PU box trailer; Oliver 77 parts; 3pt. Agrex broadcaster, new; more.

Shop:  Lincoln Ideal Arc 250 amp, AC-DC welder on wheels, like new; oxy-Act torch w/ cart; 5 ton air/hyd eng. Puller; Wilton band saw; power hack-saw; Clarke parts washer; engine stand; metal bender; 6-100# propane bottles; 6-5gal milk cans; pu toolbox; Craftsman snow blower w/ tracks; AirCo portable welder/generator; steel shelving; parts bins w/ contents; 3pt wire roller; ramps; saw horses; pu chrome headache rack; more.

Saddles & Tack:  McGwire Cutter 16” saddle; 2- Dave Pollat 16” saddles, all in good shape; 2pr bat-wing chaps, shot-gun chaps; saddle pads; bits; headstalls; halters; feed troughs; tank heater; cabinet w/ horse supplies; more.

Livestock Equip:  round bale feeder; approx 30 L/S panels, 10’-20’; approx 6-12’ gates; 8 assorted livestock water tanks; branding pot; New 5 ½’ steel posts; more.

Woodworking:  Craftsman 10”, 2.75 h.p. Radial arm saw; Porter Cable 12” miter saw; 14” band saw; 55# anvil; NSS large shop vac; Freedom wood stove; many hand power tools, cordless & 120v; ½ hp bench grinder; Delta planer, 13”, 2sp; 10” auto planer; lots of barn wood, walnut flooring & bead bd.; much more.

Household:  Duncan Phyfe dining room table, leaves & pads, 6 chairs; King size bed, nice; grandfather clock; Singer pedal sewing mach w/ oak cabinet; Vogelzang boxwood stove; Duran Print 370/1500; Cress Kiln, 220 volt; gas log set, new; gas fireplace insert, ventless; cabinets; more.

Misc:  Monarch 26” boys bicycle, 1950s, clean; Potbelly stove; Pace 2” transfer pump; horse collars; single & double trees; furniture dolly; windows; chicken wire; much more.

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