Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Fred Gibbs Estate Auction

Sunday, October 17, 2021


1001 O St. Greeley, CO 80631

We will be selling the shop contents for Fred Gibbs’ estate. Fred owned and operated Affordable Storage in Greeley and had his shop on the property. Fred worked on all kinds or tractors throughout his life, but he particularly enjoyed working on Zetor tractors. This auction will feature a lot of Zetor parts. This shop was Fred’s passion, it is full of neat, well cared for items and we are finding new items daily. Don’t miss it!

Tools and Tool Box: Homak rolling tool box; Dewalt, Mikita and Milwaukee cordless power tools, 36 volt; Huge assortment of Craftsman, Snap On, Blue Point, all brand names - end wrenches; screwdrivers; sockets; crescent wrenches; pliers; air tools; sockets; hydraulic jacks; Enerpac power packs; too many smalls to list

Shop Supplies: 30+ ton hydraulic press, nice unit; full bolt bins – standards and metric; pipe fitting parts including threads and dies; welding tables; 10’x20’ jig table; fuel injector tools, testers, parts; over 500 gal of new hydraulic and engine oils; several Lincoln welders; cutting torches; ladders; Zetor tractor parts; Zetor light up sign; AC equipment; ladders; shovels; pitchforks; MORE!

Misc: Felco 24’ bucket w/ packer, new; Ariens 936 power snow brush; leather working tools; vintage leather harnesses and wagon parts; 2 wheel buggy; ammo boxes; vintage trunks; collectible veterinary supplies; lots of neat things to see and buy!

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