Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Flagler Spring 2017 Consignment Auction

Flagler Spring Consignment Auction
Friday, April 21, 2017- 10:00 AM

Scroll down for photos!

Consignments accepted up until sale time! 

Directions: I-70 exit 395 at Flagler, north 1 ¼ mile on Ruffner Ave, East ¼ mile on CR V to sale site, signs posted.

Tractors, Antique tractors, Fork lift: 1969 JD 5020, looks like new, original paint, always shedded; IHC 20, S.N: T-19635, on rubber; IHC 20, S.N: 45221, on steel; AC WC S.N: 74614 Datsun 5000 lb. Fork lift, Nissan diesel, needs some repair; John Deere "B" Tractors- two; 930 Case with Westendorf Loader Bucket and Hay Head

Vehicles, Motorcycle, & Trailers: 96 Chevy Tahoe, 4x4, auto; 96 olds 88 Sedan, 308 liter, auto; ’97 Ford F-350 w/ service bed,  ’93 Harley Davidson Chopper; ’76 w-w 5’x16’ b.p. stock trailer; ’76 6’x27’ G.N. stock trailer; 60 GMC 4,000 Dump Truck, No title.

Equipment:  Flex-King 60’ rod weeder Kinzie 600 bu grain cart, R.O. tarp, always shedded; Westfield K100-7Y 10”x71’ auger w/ swing out hopper; NH 315 sq. baler, twine, always shedded; JD pickup header w/ Innes P.U.; 3-IHC 150 hoe drills, 12”x14, 42’ w/ transport & hitch; 3-Melroe hoe drills, 12”x8-24’ w/ transports & hitch.

Miscellaneous:  Palmer self feeder, on skids; Lincoln DC portable welder;  48” riding mower, Browning gun safe, 7 rifle; Lincoln Mig Welder, 1100; 3 ton floor jack; Small Mac tool box, and wrenches; sockets; misc. tools; Reznor heating units; 4 – hose reels; truck tires, numerous sizes; 3pc L.R. set; Q size sofa sleeper; Love seat & chair; golf cart; Pincor 7000w Generator

More by auction time.


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