Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Flagler Consignment Auction - Friday, Dec 21st

Mark your calendars for the Flagler Consignment Sale Friday, December 21st at 10:00am

Nichols Auctioneers Sale Lot , 5000 CR V, Flagler, CO 80815

Consignments will be accepted until sale day. Print advertising deadline is Dec 8th, so consign TODAY.

Call John Nichols 719-740-1320, Mike Nichols 719-350-0126, or Lance Nichols 970-302-6185 to consign today.


Trucks & Vehicles:

99 Freightliner, Classic, 60 series DD, Super 10 sp, new rear rubber; 98 IHC Eagle, 3406 Cat, 10 sp, 3000 gal water tank; 98 IHC 4700, 466-E, Allison auto, floatation tires w/ big bale stinger-stacker-retriever; 93 IHC T.T., N 14 Cummins, 9 sp, near new wet kit, hi and low pressure; 89 Ford F-250, 4x4, 5 sp w. Besler bale bed; 99 Dodge 2500, 4x4, auto, 198k, runs great!


96 Wilson L/S Pot, 48x102, Feeder, 80% floor, spring susp; Do-Little GN, 6.5’ X 22’ tilt trailer; 99 Sooner, 3 horse slant, w/ weekender LQ, toilet, microwave, sink, rear tack, elec jack, new rubber; 97 Featherlite, alum livestock trailer, 7 X 20’, floor & wall mats, 14 ply tires, center gate.

Watch the Kuhns Mfg Hay Accumulator work. Using no hydraulics or electronics, the Kuhns Accumulator automatically arranges bales into groups that can then be picked up with grabbers mounted on loaders and stacked on wagons or in the barn.

Misc & Equipment:

Mill Creek manure spreader, 3x9’, ground driven, pull type; Kuhns 1534 small bale accumulator w/ Kuhns KN615 compressor and tier, Kuhns 615 stacker; 12’ box scraper; gravity wagon on 2 wheel trailer; Hotsy steam cleaner; Miller bobcat 225G welder/gen, 8000 watt; Danuser hyd P.O. digger; Act-Propane cutting torch w/ cart; Melroe 220 Spray Coupe, 831 hrs, float control and monitor, 60ft boom, 200 gal tank; 4- IHC 7100 drills, 14x12”, 56’ w/ transports, hyd marker, banded press wheels, ex cond, JD disc drills;

Livestock Equipment:

Sixty-nine 20’ X 39” X 15” Hutt steel feed bunks; Sixty steel, 10 gauge, 20”x 40’ bldg. material (would make good corral, windbreak or water-retainment walls)

Selling on behalf of secured creditors, bankruptcy court and individual consignors.


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