Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Flagler Spring Consignment Sale, April 21, 2018, 1:00pm

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Mark your calendars for the Flagler Spring Consignment Sale Saturday, April 21, 2018. 1:00pm

Nichols Auctioneers Sale Lot , 5000 CR V, Flagler, CO 80815

Consignments will be accepted until sale day.

Call John Nichols 719-740-1320, Mike Nichols 719-350-0126, or Lance Nichols 970-302-6185 to consign today.



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Vehicles and trailers: 93 KW K- 300 cabover, 5.9 Cummins, 6 SP w/ Sudengo feed tender box, auger unload, 162,486 mi; 84 Ford F-7000 fuel truck, 3208 Cat, 5x2, 5 compartment 2,000 gal tank, 2 meters, 2 hose reels; 2001 Mack Vision 460, 13sp, standup sleeper, air ride super singles; 93 Freightliner day cab, 330 Cummins, 9 sp, spring susp; 97 Ford F-150, 4x4, auto, 4.6L V-6, tool box and L-fuel tank; 90 GMC 2500, 4x4, 350, 4 sp, w/ Jacobs service bed w/ hyd tommy lift had new motor in 08 has 10,000 mi; 93 Chevy 2500, 350, auto 4x4, bad trans; 85 Chevy C-20, 4x4, 350, 5 sp, lift kit; 09 Pontiac G6, 4 dr, auto, 127,311 mi, nice, clean car; 80s Ford cab and chassis, 390 engine, salvage; 75 Ford F-350, 460, auto, service bed w/ 1,000 gal diesel tank, 12 volt pump, storage boxes; 75 Truck Mate G.N., 3 axle, grain sides, 350 bu cap., hoist and drill fill auger; Flatbed GN trailer, 16’, 3 axle, dovetail, ramps; 94 CarriLite Camper, GN, 28’, one slide out, all amenities; HM GN rd bale trailer, 30’, 3 axle, well built; more by sale date

Tractors: 1030 Case Comfort King, row crop cab, 3 pt w/ dual loader, scoop and bale spear; JD 2750, 3 pt, 2 hyd, 2473 hrs w/ JD 146 loader, 7 ft bucket w/ grapple, clean tractor; JD 4010 Gas, 3 pt, 540pto,  w/  QT 5500 7’ loader bucket, grapple and hay spears; A.C. D-19, propane, 2 pt w/ dual 345 loader and bucket; A.C. WC, older restoration, new tires, runs good

Field and Hay Equipment: 4- IHC 7100 drills, 14x12”, 56’ w/ transports, hyd marker, banded press wheels, ex cond; JD 960 24’ field finisher w/ Degeman drags, new 7.5” duckfeet; Sunflower 3040-28 Fallow King, near new 26” sweeps w/ sunflower pickers; NH 256 N258 side delivery rakes with hitch, one left, one right; NH 116, 16ft hydra swing swather; Krause 21 shank chistle w/ drag rod; Wilbec 32’ tandem disk; 2- MacDon 3020-30’ draper swathers, pto, pull type; Neco centrifugal grain screen, ele, on trailer 4” discharge auger; JD 46 A Loader that fits JD 4010-4020, 73” reinforced bucket; NH 315 sq baler, wire, PTO; Westgo 8”x61’, PTO auger; NH Savage aerator, 12’; more by sale date

Livestock Equipment: 4- WW 12’ self/creep feeders w/ panels; WW 16’ self/creep feeder w/ panels; 2- WW 12’ hayfeeders on skids; WW 12’ self feeder; Priefert circle crowding alley, complete, near new; Priefert head catch; 14 cattle panels, 12’; 13 gates 10-16’; My-D Han-D squeeze chute; Gunnison working chute, rebuilt, rare; Rubbermaid water tank; 3- pt rd bale mover; HM rd bale spear; New and used creosote posts; more by sale time

Misc Equipment: Ditch Witch model 1030 walk behind trencher, 13hp, Honda OHV motor; JD 115 3 pt 9 ft 6-way blade; Reznor heating units in crate; elec pallet fork, 100 gal, pu fuel tank w/ 12 volt pump; cherry picker; several 2” transfer pumps; truck & tractor tires of asst sizes; sprayer tire for 4830 JD; Craftsman 12” table saw, 230 v; 7x8’ roll up door; 7x18’ roll up door; 3 pt cement mixer; 4- NH3 tanks, less running gear; JD F687 zero turn mower, 54” deck, Kohler 23hp; pallet jack; and more

Misc: Tires of various sizes; garden hose; sprinklers; cat walks; spray boom; squirrel cage fan; NH windrow parts and sickles; gas heater; Wolf double convention oven; French fry cooker; freestanding wire racks & shelves; 2 window AC units; Hoover buffer; school desks; flor. Lights; computer stand; much more

Terms: Cash, negotiable check, credit card (3% added to cc transactions, see website for details). Verbal terms and conditions as stated by the auctioneer supersede any other terms, online, printed, or otherwise.                                     

Sale managers Note: Directions from I-70 to Sale Lot: Exit 395 north on Ruffner 1 ¼ mi, curve east on Rd V , 1/8 mi, look for signs. Consignments will be accepted until Sale Time. 

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Check back often! ---> Photos will be added until day prior to sale! 


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