Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

David Orth Estate Ranch Auction

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Directions: 2 miles N of Kiowa on the Kiowa-Bennett Hwy to Rd 142, East on Rd 142 1 ¾ miles to sale sight. Signs will be posted. Concessions on site!

Tractors: 2014 JD 6125R , FWA, w/ H340 JD loader w/ bucket, 273 hrs, like new; 1980 JD 4040, cab, w/ Degelman 10’ dozer, 2 hyd, power shift; 1969 JD 3020, diesel, no cab, w/ FH F-11 loader, hay fork and bucket, 1 hyd, power shift, 5346 hrs; 1968 JD 3020, wide front, power shift, 2 hyd

Vehicles and Trailer: 2005 Ford F-250, 4x4, diesel, long box, super cab, auto, new motor overhaul; 2000 GMC, 2500, 4x4, super cab, 5 sp, 6L, 163,039 mi; 1987 Ford F-150 4x4, 4 sp, flatbed, 6 cyl; 2010 Lincoln Signature Limited, 4 dr, 43,876mi; 1953 Ford F-100, 50th Ann ed, flat six, good project, complete, body & glass good; 1991 Ford F-150 4x4, 5 sp, salvage; Double B GN 24’ flatbed, plus ramps, tandem duals, 24,000# gross

Crawler and Carry All: AC HD-11 straight dozer, 5913 hrs showing, under carriage 15%; Hiel cable scraper, 9 yd

Machinery: 2 JD 348 sq balers, both good shape, one near new; NH 14 HS Haybine hydro swing and swather w/ conditioner, like new, NH 680 tandem axle manure spreader, good; NH 1069 S.P. sacker, 390 Ford gas, 5x2 sp, 2160 hrs; NH 1037 pull type stacker; NH 166 windrow inverter; JD 8400 7” single disc drill, press wheels, alfalfa boxes; Frontier angle dozer w/ loader mount, 8’ blade, near new; Frontier 3 pt round bale unroller, like new; Rhino 3 pt, posthole digger; FH F11 loader, 3 pt, 10’ duck foot arena groomer; Balderson angle snow plow; Balderson V snow plow; FH F11 hay sweep; several F-11 buckets; JD 3 bottom rollover plow; IHC 4 bottom plow; GH chistle; meadow drag harrow

Misc: tools; shovels; alum ladder; barrel rack; bolt rack w/ stock; valves; pipe fittings; 2-300 gal fuel tank; 1-800 gal fuel w/ pump; Coats 20-20 tire mach; vet supp; lots of scrap iron and salvage; posts; lumber cement mixer; lots of roofing tin; much more

Livestock: For-most L/S chute, L&R exit; Powder River calf cradle; 12’ & 16’ LS panels

Household: deep freezers; washer and dryer; microwave; book shelves; corner desk; book cases; file cabinets; much more

Antiques: radios; round oak table w/ 6 chairs; oak tables; oak desk; oak rocking chair; 4 oak dressers; oil lamps; brass bed; small oak table; oak ice box; petrified wood; more

Cash, good check, credit card (3% fee added to all credit card transactions). NO buyer’s premium. See full Terms and Conditions.

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