Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Flagler Spring Consignment Auction April 2016

Thank you to all the consignors and bidders at the Flagler Spring Consignment Auction in April. It was a great day! 

Farm and Ranch Equipment and Supplies; ATVs, Vehicles, Trucks, Tractors, Trailers and more!


Contact John Nichols for more information at 719-740-1320 or email


Consignments accepted until sale time! Photos are being added to this gallery on a basis, so be sure to check back often! 

Flagler Spring Consignment Auction

Thursday, April 28 1:00pm

Flagler CO

Directions: I-70 exit 395, 1 mile N on Ruffner Ave, ¼ mi E on Rd V

Combine: JD 6620 w/ 222 grain head and header trailer, 2594 eng. hrs. always shedded

Tractors: JD 8650, 3 pt, pto, 18.4x38 duals; JD 4020, gas, no cab, 18.4x34 rears, 3 pt, 7,727 hrs; IHC 866 cab, 3 pt, diesel w/ dual loader; D-19 AC, propane w/ dual 345 loader

Trucks & Vehicles: 2001 Mack conven, E7-460, eng rebuilt, 13 sp, 445/50-22.5 super singles; 87 KW 305 Cum, 13 sp w/ feed body; 73 GMC 6500 tag axle, 20’ Layton box, 366, 5 sp2sp, r.h., rollover tarp, new 52” steel sides; 73 Chevy, C 60, tag axle, 366, 5x2, 20’ box, B.H.; 78 Chevy Titan 90 COE, 871 Det, 13 sp, 22” box, rh, rollover tarp, 11.24.5; 98 GMC 2500, 4x4 auto, 454, w/ B&W service flatbed, 200 gal fuel tank w/ pump, air comp, tool boxes, air bags, 108,000mi; 98 GMC 4x4, 350, 5 sp; 88 and 90 GMC school buses; 2001 Dodge Caravan Sport; 79 GMC Sierra Classic dually, 35, 5sp, 454; 76 Ford F-150, 4x2, super cab, auto, 351; 78 IHC 1800, 404, 5 sp 2sp, air, 18’ box, r.ho; 88 Dodge 100, 4x4 auto; Mertz 425oss floater truck w/ Newleader 20-20 dry fert box; 92 GMC 1500, 4x4 auto,; more by sale time

Antique Tractors: IHC Farmall Reg, open steering, good rubber, S.N. T-19635; JD B unstyled, S.N. B8821; A.C., WC, S.N. 74614; JD B styled, S.N. 159498; IHC Farmall, Regular, on steel, no lugs, S.N. 45221; JD 50 tricycle, rocker shaft, S.N. 5010121; note all above tractors are complete and straight.

Specialty Items: 1921 T-Bucket street rod, 350 GM eng bal. & blue printed; big valve Corvette heads, 350 trans, new rad and bat., nice; 1965 Chevy Caprice, 53,000 org. miles, 396 eng, 400 trans, elec seats and windows, new tires; 1930 model A Ford PU, idea for rat rod; 1950 Chevy PU, 5 window, good glass, good tires and runs; 2012 Polaris Rzr 800, 2 seat, 4x4, alloy wheels, like new; ESAB 300amp wire feed welder w/ bottle; aluminum ATV ramps

Trailers: 2012 SHARP GN enclosed trailer, 34’x8.5’ w/ 26’ floor, epoxy floor, tie downs, 7400 torsion axles, 16” rubber, cargo light, less than 5,000 mi; RoadBoss 40’x102’ GN flatbed, tandem duals, 235/85-16” tires, double jacks, ramps, good floor; Hallmark 10’ enclosed trailer, single axle always shedded; Trails West 2 horse slant, tack room, b.p.

Hay Equip: Vermeer 605 XL round baler, 4400 bales net wrap, bale kicker, always shedded, like new; N.H. 855 round baler, always shedded; J.D. 700 twin side rakes, hyd; 30' MacDon Pull type draper swather

Tillage & Planting Equip: 4 – IHC 150 drills, 14x12”, marker w/ carrier, press wheels and points good; 3-Melroe 282 drills, 8x12”, w/ carrier; Krause 34’ chisel w/ Degelman harrows; Flexi-Coil sprayer, 120’ booms, 3 inj pumps, Raven monitor, 1500 gal tank; Krause 32’ chisel w/ sweeps; JD 1600 21’ chisel, walking beam; JD 7200 Max Emerge 2, 8 row vac planter, trash whips, monitor, plates for corn, milo, sunflowers w/ liq. Fert.; Flexi-Coil sprayer, model 67, 90’ boom, w/windscreens, 1000 gal tank; IHC disc drill, 12x10”; 04 Red Ball 680 Sprayer, 80’ booms, 1600 gal, monitor

Misc Equip: N.H. 996 8 row corn head, poly snouts; Wetmore feedgrinder; G.T. Roto grain cleaner, 3 phs; 11’ x 102” flatbed, headache rack, undermount tool boxes, receiver hitch, like new; Palmer 16’ creep feeder, skids; Oswalt + 3340 mixer feeder box, trailer mount; Case-Davis model 25-4 ride on trencher; Tomahawk grapple bucket for skidstr. New; Several 3 pt rotary mowers; 07 Grasshopper 620 T2, deck lift, 52” deck; Powermatic/Burke milling machine; Ellis bandsaw; Rockwell HD wood shaper; parts washer; Dayton drill press; Sears Craftsman table saw; grinders on stands; Olson band saw; 2 portable air compressors; shop heater; 20’ batwing mower

Misc: 88 Cimmaron 14’ boat w/trailer, needs motor; 60’s Dorsey boat w/ trailer, 13.5’ x 26’ ungalvanized guard rail; 6” I-beam x 8’ galvanized. posts; Renegade and Ranch Hand grill guards, new; Used trk tires & rims; Body shop tools & acc; log splitter on wheels, 150-200 PU fuel tanks w/ tool boxes; PU tool boxes; RR trans; Golf cart, yr old batt; 14 sheets 3’x27’ tri-rib gal tin, new; 270 4.5”x6’6” pentatreat posts, new; AC units; H2O fountains; light fixtures; JD F-680 Z track mower; folding chairs; tools; steel posts; 450 sq ft green pressed marble tile; Recap trk tires, all sizes; steel welding bench on rollers w/ vice; 150# anvil;  motor stand; hyd jacks and tools and shovels; cut off saw; much more by sale time.

We will continue to update this list and add photos to our Facebook page and website. Consignments accepted up to Auction Time!

Terms: Cash, Good Check, Credit Card (3% buyers premium to all credit card transactions)

Sale Managers Note: Plan to attend, a big selection of good usable equipment, old tractors, some unique items and lots of misc.  (719) 740-1320

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