Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Harrell Moving Auction

May 14, 2022 10:00am

13631 N 115th St Longmont, CO 80504

Preview: May 13th 1:00-5:00pm

Gordon has been in the welding business for over 25 years where he specialized in trailer repair. We will be selling a shop full of tools and welding supplies, plus tons of iron. This auction will have a little bit of everything. Bring a friend as we will run two rings for part of the day. Concessions on site by Shelby’s Snack Shack. MUST see items!

Directions: From I-25 Take exit 243 west on CO-66 W/State Rte 66, go 6.9 mi. Turn north/right onto N 115th St. for 1.3 mi. Look for signs

Tractor, Pickup, Welders, Trailers, Truck: John Deere 1010 w/ Great Bend 330loader, 2100hrs, 3pt; 1995 Toyota Tacoma, 227k mi, ext cab, topper; Miller Bobcat 250 welder, 760hr, nice unit; HM welding trailer 6x12’; Utility trailer, 6x10’; 1983 IHC truck DT-466 w/ C 1052 New Holland stack retriever

Shop Tools & Welding Supplies: 50 ton hyd press; rolling Remline tool boxes; Delta 6.5 HP air compressor; Juki industrial sewing machine w/ table; drill press; trailer load of hand tools; large supply of bolts and bolt bins; welding rod; lg asst of air tools; shop vacs; bottle jacks; handyman jacks; chain boomers; battery chargers; rolling welding tables; oxy-acetylene bottles; torch sets; rolling carts; bench grinders; angle grinders; air hoses; welding leads; drill bits; cut off saws; shelving; …. Too much to list…. Much more onsite….

3 Point Equipment & Shed: 3pt V ditcher; 3 pt rototiller, 5’; 3 pt box scraper; 3pt one bottom plow; 14’x8’ portable shed

Trailer Parts & New Iron: gooseneck & bumper pull jacks; hitches; trailer balls; lights; caster wheels; over one ton of new iron; flat bar; square tubing; angle iron; deck plate; hot & cold roll; expanded metal; all thread; strap iron; iron racks; log chains; chain hooks

Collectibles: Dempster hand pump; iron tractor seats; potato wagon; marble hitching post; cast iron dinner bell; Great Western stove; iron & wood wagon wheels; animal mounts (elk, deer, antelope); asst cast iron yard decor; wrought iron fence; walk behind plow

Misc & Household: yard sprayer; gas cans; portable water pumps w/ hoses; hay tarps; scrap leather; hunting & camping supplies; ammo (7mag-306-243); ext & step ladders; grill; shovels; signs; patio furniture; decorative rock; picnic table; new Christmas lights; rockers; couches; cast iron stools; lamps; china hutch; wicker; hand painted, original art

Scrap Iron: trailer loads of used iron - most is cut, sized, ready to be hauled.

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