Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

2023 St. Vrain Valley Young Farmers Consignment Auction

Saturday, March 18, 2023 * 9AM

CONTACT TO CONSIGN: Allan Carlson (970) 381-1807 or Lance Nichols (970) 302-6185

LOCATION: Longmont, CO – From I-25 & Hwy 66 go 2 miles east to Rd. 13, then 1 mile north to the beet dump. (14700 County Road 13, Longmont, CO, 80504)

PREVIEW: Friday, March 17th 1-4pm

SELLING: Tractors, Trucks, Tools, Vehicles, Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Landscaping, Trees, Ranch and Farm Equipment, etc. NEW FOR 2023: No household items will be accepted- this includes furniture, housewares, dishes, toys, home décor, appliances, etc. Tires will only be accepted if they have 50% tread or better. Rims must be in good condition

AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Nichols Auctioneers and the St. Vrain Young Farmers Association are working together to conduct this community consignment auction. Nichols Auctioneers will handle the bookkeeping and St. Vrain Young Farmers chapter will handle setup, check-in, and loading of items. The St. Vrain Young Farmers will use their portion of the proceeds for the Fred Sekich Scholarship and community projects. Many thanks to all who have participated in the past!

CONSIGN: Items will be charged commission and consignors will receive an itemized list with their check. Consignor checks will be mailed by April 4, 2023. A disposal fee may be charged for tires and large amounts of misc if not removed by March 21, 2023. The advertising deadline is March 3. Consignments accepted until Friday, March 17th

COMMISSION PER ITEM: $1-25 = 50%, $26-50 = 35%, $51-100 = 25%, $101-500 = 20%, $501-1000 = 18%, $1001- 2500 = 15%, $2501- 5000 = 10%, $5001 and over = 8%

$5 minimum charge per consignor

No Sale = 1/2 of commission rate on highest amount bid, not to exceed $50 per item. Sellers will incur a $25 postage and handling fee per titled vehicle sold

BUY: No buyer’s premium for cash or checks, 4% buyer’s premium if paying by credit card. A loader will be available Tuesday, March 14th through Tuesday, March 21nd to unload and load machinery.

TERMS: Cash, negotiable check, credit card (4% added to cc transactions). Verbal terms and conditions as stated by the auctioneer supersede any other terms, online, printed, or otherwise.

SELLING: Tractors, Trucks, Tools, Vehicles, Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Landscaping, Trees, Ranch and Farm Equipment, etc…. Including:

1969 John Deere 4010 with bucket, mower deck, rear blade, bale spears, and post hole digger; 1984 Chevy K10 lifted 4x4 with a 383 Stroker; 2016 Polaris Turbo 800 Pro RMK Snowmobile; 1987 Yamaha 350 4 wheeler with plow; 18hp Evinrude short shaft Outboard motor and 2 fuel tanks - year unknown - 1 owner; seventy-two Ponderosa pine trees; ten Dogwood trees, 4-6’ ; six, chokecherry trees, 7-10’; ten 2” red globe peach trees; five 2” Bartlett pear trees; five 2” Rocky Mountain juniper trees; five 2” Wichita blue juniper trees; twelve Blue spruce, 8-16’ tall;

This will be a HUGE auction, but historically, consignors don’t send us their information or photos ahead of time. We will do our best to continue to update photos and information as items come to the sale lot this week. Please watch our social media and this website as the week goes on and be sure to come to check things out at the preview on Friday afternoon.


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