Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

2021 St Vrain Young Farmers Association Consignment Auction

2021 NEW DATE St Vrain Full page Fence Postpub.jpg

Saturday, March 20, 2021 * 9AM

CONTACT TO CONSIGN: Allan Carlson (970) 535-4749 or (970) 381-1807 or Lance Nichols (970) 302-6185

LOCATION: Longmont, CO – From I-25 & Hwy 66 go 2 miles east to Rd. 13, then 1 mile north to the beet dump.

PREVIEW: Friday, March 19th 1-4pm

SELLING: Tractors, Trucks, Tools, Vehicles, Machinery, Equipment, Tools, Landscaping, etc

AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: Nichols Auctioneers and the St. Vrain Young Farmers Association are working together to conduct this community consignment auction. Nichols Auctioneers will handle the bookkeeping and St. Vrain Young Farmers chapter will handle setup, check-in, and loading of items. The St. Vrain Young Farmers will use their portion of the proceeds for the Fred Sekich Scholarship and community projects. Many thanks to all who have participated in the past!

Masks and social distancing are encouraged. Hand sanitizer will be available. Common surfaces will be regularly sanitized.

CONSIGN: Items will be charged commission and consignors will receive an itemized list with their check. Consignor checks will be mailed by March 29, 2021. A disposal fee may be charged for tires and large amounts of misc if not removed by Tuesday, March 23. Consignments accepted until Friday, March 19th


$1-100= 25%, $101-500 = 20%, $501-1000= 18%, $1001-2500 = 15%, $2501-5000 = 10%, $5001 and over = 8%.

$5 minimum charge per consignor.

No Sale = 1/2 of commission rate on highest amount bid, not to exceed $50 per item.

BUY: No buyer’s premium for cash or checks, 4% buyer’s premium if paying by credit card. A loader will be available Tuesday, March 9 through Tuesday, March 23rd to unload and load machinery. If you purchase a titled vehicle a $25 fee will be charged for processing (per vehicle).

TERMS: Cash, negotiable check, credit card (4% added to cc transactions, see website for details). Verbal terms and conditions as stated by the auctioneer supersede any other terms, online, printed, or otherwise.

Tractors, ATVs and Mowers: John Deere 4115 4x4 utility tractor; Ford 8N w/ Loader; Mini Truck, 4x4; John Deere F910 mower w/ snowblower; John Deere 6x4 Gator; Chevrolet C60 w/ 22’ beet box; Golf Carts;  MORE                                                                                                                                                                      

Trucks, Vehicles and Trailers:  2017 BMW X5 35i, 60k mi, Premium package, Cold weather package Driving Assistance package plus, 3.0 liter TwinPower Turbo inline 6-cyl, 24 valve engine, 8sp auto trans w/ Sport and Manual shift modes, tons of extras, 1 owner, serviced by Co’s all records, summer and winter tires, very, very good condition, runs perfectly (call Lance or Adele for info 970-302-6184) ; 2000 Chevrolet S10, 4x4, new exhaust; 2005 Ford Focus; 1997 Buick LeSabre; 26’ enclosed office trailer; 9’ pickup flatbed; MORE                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Farming, 3  Point and Skid Steer Equip:  John Deere 620, 10 ft disc; Landpride 7’ mower; Ford 2 bottom plow; Ferguson 2 bottom plow; Ferguson 6’ sickle mower; John Deere 7’ blade; Farmhand manure spreader; John Deere 4 cylinder engine; Log splitter w/ 4 cylinder International Harvester engine; trailer load of skid steer attachments; MORE                                                                                                                                                                                                      

Hay Equipment and Hay: Vermeer R-23 twin rake; Kuhn GMD 700 disc mower, 9ft; New Holland pull type stacker wagons; 5 wheel rakes; Sudan Grass Hay 3x3; Wheat Straw Hay 3x3, Wheat Straw Hay small squares;  MORE                                                                                                       

Livestock Equipment: 60 Behlen 12’ panels; 4 Behlen gate/panel combos; Livestock gates– all sizes; Hog panels; Squeeze chutes; Calving pens; Misc panels; MORE                                                    

Irrigation Equipment and Trees: 10” PVC water main pipe, 25 joints; 66,000 ft underground drip pipe; large assortment 3/4 –2” irrigation tubes; damns and ditch tins; large assortment of trees 2’-6’ tall MORE                                                                                                 

Misc: Onan generator; Bolt bins; Hobart 3 phase MIG/ARC welder; 3 phase table saw; Sandblasting cabinet; Wood splitters; Wood chippers; Garden tools; Shop tools; 2 Trailer loads of hand tools! MORE       

Consignments accepted until Friday, March 19th:  Tractors, Trucks, Tools, Vehicles, Machinery, SEE WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK FOR PHOTOS!

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Here’s a cool look at the 2018 St Vrain Young Farmers Association Auction from Barn Owl Drone Services! Barn Owl Drone Services provide Premium sUAS/Drone Data Collection and Imagery Solutions for Your Business or Enterprise.

Barn Owl Drone Services' visit to the 2018 St Vrain Young Farmers' Auction 2018

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