Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Flagler Spring Consignment Auction - April 12, 2019

Friday, April 12, 2019 1:00pm

Consignments will be accepted until sale time

Contact John for more information: 719-740-1320 or 719-765-4755

A sampling of some of the items that will be at the Spring Consignment sale on Friday, April 12th. **More consignments are pending. We will accept consignments up to sale time.

Directions to Nichols Auction Sale Lot: From I-70 take Exit 395 to Flagler. Go 1 ¼ mi north on Ruffner Ave, then ¼ mi east on Rd V. Look for signs.

Tractor and Backhoe: 4010 JD Row Crop, 3 pt, 2 hyd w/ FH-11 loader; 3C JCB backhoe loader, FWA

Vehicles and Trailers: 91 Jeep Cherokee; 67 Chevy C-70 tandem, 366, 5x2, 20’ steel box, r.h., r.o. tarp; 76 White tandem, Cummins 10 sp w/ 3000 gal s.s. tank; 80 Circle C 24’ flatbed GN, 3 axles; Single axle camper trailer, self contained; 98 Trailer Tech Header Trailer, 38’, 8 row corn setup

Equipment: 98 Trail Ted header trailer; 1600 gal poly tank w/ 3 mixers and 2” Honda pump on steel frame, mounts on truck or trailer, move with fork lift; 250 bu seed tender w/ 12 volt auger; 2- 4,000 gal vertical poly tanks; 3- 2000 gal cone bottom liquid fertilizer tanks on trailer; 4- chemical tote tanks w/ pumps and meters

Misc: 120 gal PK fuel tank w/ 12 volt pump; corner posts; 235x16” tires; chistle points; 6- 14x24” grader/loader tires; crossover metal tool box; 11Rx245 tires; alum decking; wooden cement forms; roofing tin; used lumber; landscape timbers’ 3” water pump; road drag; 10k Onan generator; 9 ft Mitchell Camper with jacks; 3- boat motors; ped. Grinder; charlynn hyd unit; elec fence wire; new cabinets in boxes; Stihl chain saw; 2 alum and steel crossover pu tool boxes; JD vac planter plates – 8 small corn, 16 sunflower, 16 milo, 8 red corn; MacDon 30’ combine header, new canvas roller and new canvas; 1600 gal water tank w/ pump on 3 axle GN trailer; 3” trash pump; 3 pt round bale mover; large assortment of NEW vehicle and truck tires; more

Antiques: oak dresser; old tools; header barge parts; single and double trees; wagon tongues; nail kegs; cider press; more

Livestock Equipment: Filson calf table, 03 Honda 350 4wd 4 wheeler w/ mounted calf catcher; several Hi Qual HD round bale feeders; Powder River calf cradle; NEW 12’ bottomless tank; more

Call for Consignments Flyer Spring 2019 Flagler.jpg
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