Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Scafuto Moving Auction

Scafuto Moving Auction

Saturday, June 5, 2021 10:00am

17340 Sage Creek Road, Peyton, CO


Directions: East edge of Peyton; take Peyton Road south 6 miles to Falcon Hwy., west 2 miles on Falcon Hwy. to Sage Creek Road, ¼ mile north to sale site.  Signs posted.

Vehicles, Motorhome, Tractors, Trailer, & Equipment:

2015 GMC Class B Motorhome, 4.8 liter, auto 54,490 miles, AC, all the extras, call for details; 1991 Dodge Dakota, ex cab, 4x4, auto, 206,065 miles; 1962 Ford F-100, 4x4, 4sp 292, good shape; 2018 MF GC1705, FWA, 111.3 hrs, diesel, w/ DL95MF loader; Big Tex 70CH B.P. Trailer, 7’x20’ car hauler w/ ramps; IHC model B Tractor; Tarter 5’ 3pt, rotary mower; Rhino CBX48, 4’ box scraper; forks for loader; Bear Cat String Mower; Countyline 12volt weed spray, hand wand, & boom.

Shop & Tools:

Kobalt rad. Arm saw; Hobart wire feed welder; Yamaha 3,000 wt. gen; Kobalt Air Compressor; Coleman 1750wt. Gen; Ryobi table saw; Craftsman router & table; Stanley shopvac, A.C. cutting torch; 3 ton floor jack; ladders; Craftsman toolbox, full; Ryobi bench grinder; tons of hand tools; drills, saws, grinders; air nailers, elect., air, & cordless; sawhorses; drill bits; levels; infrared shop heater; clamps; shop benches; flor & LED lights; car ramps; ¼” trim router; air tools; bat. Charger; creeper; jack stands; drip irr. sup.; comealongs; ratchet straps; Dremel; bolt cutters; tile cutter; & much more.

Star Wars & Star Trek Memorabilia:

Autographed pictures, Kirk & Spock; Riker & Troi; Marc Wahlberg; Capt. Picard; Neelix, Harrison Ford; Sulu, Chekov; Uhura; Star Wars & Star Trek toys, videos, tech manuals, books, & more.

I.T. Supplies:

Cisco router, books, & cables; laptops; keyboards; cables- usb, video & audio, a/v; antenna; and more.


Cedar chest; loveseat; 2-lounge chairs; winged arm chair; lamps; wood chairs; pictures; large framed beveled mirror; chrome craft table; dresser; wood cabinet; clocks; copper cookware, ss cookware; vases; dishes; figurines; home furnishings; wall telephone; and much more.


Cookbooks; psychology books; Tasco night vision viewer; nav. Rugs; BB gun; grow lights & heat mats; blankets; 2 window A.C.; Century kickboxer; moving dollys; folding chairs; tables; 3 hives bees & bee keeper supp; acrylic paints; vinyl records; 5 drawer file cabinet; room divider; and much more.  

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