Adele Nichols Adele Nichols

Farm and Feedlot Equipment Auction

Farm & Feedlot Equipment Auction
Monday, February 19, 2018, 9am. 
Burlington, CO., Kit Carson County Fairgrounds

Selling for secured creditors; various late model tractors, manure spreader, skid strs, feed trucks, hay equipment, loaders, shop equipment, trucks (tandem and semi), trailers, steel feed bunks, feed, etc. 


Farm & Feedlot Equipment Auction

Monday, February 19, 2018, 9am
Burlington, CO., Kit Carson County Fairgrounds

Selling for secured creditors; various late model tractors, manure spreader, skid strs, feed trucks, hay equipment, loaders, shop equipment, trucks (tandem and semi), trailers, steel feed bunks, feed, etc. 
Direct questions to Sale Manager, John Nichols 719-740-1320. 

Directions to Kit Carson County Fairgrounds - 815 15th St, Burlington, CO 80807: I-70 exit 437, north .9 mi on Lincoln St., cross RR tracks, go east 3.5 blocks on Colorado, go north ½ block to parking. Follow posted signs. 


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’05 JD 9320, 4x4, 3 pt, PTO, duals, 5772 hrs;

’14 NH T6-165, FWA, 3 pt, 4 remotes, duals;

’95 JD 8400, FWA, duals, shows 802 hrs, w/ 12’ Degelman dozer;

’97  JD 8300, FWA, duals, 8,816 hrs, w/ 12’ Degelman dozer;

’92 JD 4960, FWA, duals, shows 723 hrs, w/ 12’ Degelmamn dozer;

’82 JD 4440, 3 pt, shows 290 hrs;

JD 4630, 3pt, 7110 hrs;

Versatile 935, 4wd, 3 pt, singles, shows 380 hrs;


Click on any image to enlarge

Loaders & Skidstrs:

’14 Cat 930K, high reach, 4x4 loader, w/ two 3 yard buckets, forks and hay fork, ex cond., 2794 hrs;

’08 JD 544E 4x4, 2 ½ yard w/ grapple, 11,920 hrs;

JD 544D, 4x4, 2 ½ yd w/ grapple;

’15 NH L-230 skid str;

’13 NH L-225 skid str;

’99 NH TV-140, bi-dir, w/ bucket & grapple, hay fork. 


Click on any image to enlarge

Hay Equipment:

’16 Haybuster H-1130 tub grinder, like new;

’16 Challenger 2290 4x4 baler, used 1 season;

MF 2190 4x4 baler;

’13 NH BR 7090 round baler, twine & wrap;

DARF 917 double 8 wheel rake; much more.


Click on any image to enlarge

Feed Trucks:

’04 IHC DT 466, auto w/ RotoMix 620- 16 mixer-feeder;

’00 Sterling diesel, auto w/ RotoMix 620-16 mixer-feeder;

’95 IHC DT 466, auto w/ RotoMix 620-16 mixer-feeder;

’85 Ford F-800, diesel, auto w/ RotoMix 490-14 mixer-feeder.


Click on any image to enlarge

Trucks and Vehicles:

’94 Peterbuilt, day cab, Cat, 9sp;

’94 Volvo, 400 Cummins, 10 sp, wet kit;

’75 Kenworth, 13 sp, 315 Cummins, wet kit;

IHC Tandem dump truck, 13’ box;

GMC Brigadier, single axle, Cummins, 10 sp;

’10 GMC 3500, flat bed;

’85 Ford F-350, 4x4, 11’ flatbed w/ air comp, oxy-act, thermal arc 275 DC welder, generator;

’76 Ford F-600 C&C;

’78 Ford C&C;

‘ 88 Chevy C-1500 4x2 pu; much more.


Click on any image to enlarge


’08 Transcraft 48’ x 102 dropdeck, spread w/ dovetail and ramps;

’97 Hitchcock end dump trailer;

’09 Hitchcock triple axle feedlot tender trailer;

’06 Hitchcock triple axle feedlot tender trailer;

’97 Eby Maverick aluminum GN stock trailer, 6’6” x 24’;

’69 utility 40’ flat bed, w/ extensions & bale rails; much more.


Click on any image to enlarge


’15 Kuhn Knight SLC 141 manure spreader, like new;

Road Boss 3 pt, 12’ scraper land plane;

Aerway aireator 12’;

10’ box scraper;

12’ box scraper;

two 12’ Degelman dozers, model 12-6 & 12-46-57;

Bush Hog 3615 batwing rotary mower;

three- JD 8300 single disc drills w/ hyd hitch units;

Hitchock bunk blower, 3pt;

‘6 PTO 3 pt mower;

Automatic 3620-A roller mill, pto, 10” augers;

Twin 36” Denver roller mill, GMC V6 power, belt discharge, on trailer;

FH manure spreader; more.


Click on any image to enlarge

Feed Bunks:

Twenty-six Hutt steel feedbunks, 33”x13”x20’, good condition; may be many more by auction date. 



Click on any image to enlarge

Trailer w/ Miller 140 amp DC welder, generator, oxy-acct; New 10-20 truck tires; tractor tires; lolder tires; Trk and pu tires; Denver roller mill rolls; Degelman Dozer extensions; 3 pt QA; new elevator cups; chain hoists; hyd floor jacks; tools; por hyd pump unit; Haybuster screens and parts; branding irons, steel cement forms; band saw; PTO drive lines; hay rake parts; tie down straps; pu tool boxes; short 4” & 6” augers; filters; parts; much more. 


Feed Inventory:

Approx 874 corn stalk bales, 389 millet or sorghum, 1388 straw, 22 unknown; 289 round bales—balance is 4x4 squares. Total 2,673 bales. Look before bidding. Terms specific to HAY/FEED: 1. Cash, negotiable check, or cc (with 3% added) on auction day. 2. The winning bidder will provide proof of general liability insurance in the amount of $2,000,000 prior the auction and before entering the Corman property (where the hay is located) . 3. The winning bidder shall be obligated to Mr. Corman for the complete cleanup and removal of the feed which must take place within 45 days after the auction. Direct questions to Sale Manager, John Nichols 719-740-1320. 

Sale Managers Note:

Selling for secured creditors. Direct questions about the auction to Sale Manager, John Nichols 719-740-1320. Verbal terms and conditions as stated by the auctioneer supersede any other terms, online, printed, or otherwise.                                                                      

There may be more items by sale date. Possibly running two rings, bring a friend. Look for updates on our website & Facebook page.

Lunch will be available. 


Cash, negotiable check, credit card (3% added to cc transactions, click here for details).

Nothing to be removed from premises until paid for. 

John Nichols        719-740-1320
Lance Nichols      970-302-6185
Mike Nichols        719-350-0126


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